Don't Be Sad Playlist

16 videos • 2,926 views • by Islamic Guidance You might often come across a conversation pertaining to things like "sadness is shaytan’s doing" or that "a believer never gets sad" or even that “sadness is an indication of weak or incomplete faith”. Nothing, and I mean nothing, could be further from the truth. Statements like these only escalate the process of drowning for individuals who suffer from depression, anxiety or hopelessness. It is of the utmost importance that people know the difference between sadness and depression; sadness is a typical human emotion and depression is a much more damaging and longer lasting condition of hopelessness, despair, and dejection. Sadness is a part of what makes us human. No living soul is unfamiliar with it; even our Prophets faced multiple episodes of sadness. For example, Yaqub (AS) wept until he lost his vision and even our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) experienced bouts of sadness upon the loss of his wife and uncle. Hence, sadness is not a sign of weakness in any form. To experience sadness is to be human. Having strong faith, or Imaan, does not render a believer to be an exception to the emotion of sadness. Don’t ever forget that Allah (SWT) will never burden you with something that is beyond your capacity to deal with. Even on days when you feel as if you cannot take it anymore, know that you can survive it- for Allah (SWT) knows us better than we know ourselves and whatever trial you’re facing in your life, know that He also gives you the strength to handle that trial. Allah (SWT) promises His believer that “For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease” (Quran 94:5). Trust His word. Even if the suffering feels endless and you feel yourself getting exhausted from the weight of it all, do not lose hope- for there is ease and something even better waiting for you right around the corner. Nothing remains forever, not even hardships. And those believers who hold on to hope and faith in Allah (SWT) and adopt patience amidst their difficult times are then rewarded in ways human beings cannot even imagine. So remember, this too, shall pass.