Hip-Hop & Enterprise

36 videos • 476 views • by Black Enterprise Hip Hop & Enterprise is a weekly interview show hosted by Jeroslyn JoVonn, where we get a look inside the success stories of influencers, entrepreneurs, and tastemakers within urban pop culture. With a focus on learning how they’re making a change in their communities and for the people that follow them, Hip Hop & Enterprise will help give young professionals more modern-day realistic visions of success. All too often we see a lot of sensationalized reporting around popular rappers, TV stars, and influencers. As for those local leaders spearheading businesses and grassroots projects within their communities, their stories often go unheard. With only one aspect of their lives being shared in the blogs and on social media, or for those striving to bring more attention to their endeavors, these influential figures often don’t get enough exposure towards the projects that can inspire the next generation. There’s a gap between the real-life grind of these young pop culture phenoms and the youth that are watching and taking notes on their every move. With Hip Hop & Enterprise, Black Enterprise will be able to tap into a younger target demo, highlight some modern-day success stories, and inspire new leaders of tomorrow.