PokeVideoPlayer v0.9-rev1 - licensed under gpl3-or-later
Views : 467,568
Premiered at Jun 23, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The old Opera Software, back when it was an exclusively Norwegian company was a huge innovator in the Browser space. Browser Tabs? Their idea! Integrated manual ad block feature, tiny resource-light browser for low end devices, integrated TTS... But just being good doesn't win you the browser war -- you have to be the one that sets the page compatibility standards!
The true idealistic successor of "old Opera" is Vivaldi. The only browser with an engine whose features aren't dictated by Google -- Firefox.
858 |
8:35 Opera GX still has the bookmarks bar, but its disabled by default.
388 |
I remember uninstalling Opera GX, then all of my accounts getting broken into. For legal reasons I am not acussing Opera of anything, BUT I think that they sold my info on the black market, after uninstalling GX. REMEMBER that that is just a theory... A WHY OPERA GX IS TERRIIIIIIIIIIIIBLE theory
1.2K |
3 months ago
At this point, the only way to not have your data stolen on the internet is to get off of the internet.
9.9K |