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Front-end web development is changing, quickly
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1,194,851 Views • Sep 5, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
Let's take a first look at that latest release of shadcn/ui and combine it with Vercel's V0 tool - an AI tool for building front-end UIs on the web.

#programming #webdev #thecodereport

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What is ShadCN?
What is v0?
AI tools for frontend development
How to design a web UI qu
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Views : 1,194,851
Uploaded At Sep 5, 2024 ^^

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RYD date created : 2024-10-04T14:15:52.261193Z
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YouTube Comments - 1,787 Comments

Top Comments of this video!! :3


4 weeks ago

this video has been released 7 minutes ago, everything mentioned here is now obsolete.

13K |


4 weeks ago

I quit web dev to start a band called Rage Against the Machine Learning

5K |


4 weeks ago

As a person who sucks at frontend, I can confidently call myself full stack now.

5.1K |


4 weeks ago

Watching code report has become a form of doom scrolling

1.6K |


4 weeks ago

Creating a button was never the challenge. Neither was styling shadcn components. The time comsuming part is putting everything together into a fully fledged app following the design requirements, setting up the cms integration, datamodelling, and otherwise orchestrating all of the parts of the system to work together as per the requirements of the customer.

978 |


4 weeks ago

Everything we throw at frontend to make it simpler ends up complicating it!!

1.6K |


4 weeks ago

Everytime you blink, there's a new front end thing

790 |


4 weeks ago

They've finally automated code copy/paste with the magic of AI.

305 |


4 weeks ago

Adding buttons and forms are 10% of my time. The other 110% is calling APIs and managing state. My manager will see this and ask me whats taking so long.

162 |


3 weeks ago

After 7 minutes of dropping this, Replit released an AI Agent Coder Crazy stuffs happening

233 |


4 weeks ago

I can't remember all those psychological steps but I've definitely not reached the "acceptance" phase yet. I feel like a dinosaur with the asteroid already visible in the distance.

951 |


3 weeks ago

It's interesting to see the balance between speed and quality, and how AI-infused tools are shifting the paradigm.

457 |


4 weeks ago

soon, there will be more AI ways to do things than there are JS frameworks

518 |


4 weeks ago

The spit on stackoverflow was personal 😂

639 |


4 weeks ago

oh it was a relief to hear building a side project takes 6 months is actually normal

181 |


4 weeks ago

They have finally automated copy and pasting, what an absolutely groundbreaking change. THIS is the true power of AI

72 |


4 weeks ago

Front end coding was supposed to be gone back in the late 90s to early 2000s when WYSIWYG editors came onto the scene.

126 |


4 weeks ago

It’s gonna be real interesting to watch this generation of devs hit a brick wall when they realize that the industry and job is about so much more than the greenfield ai codegen projects that these tech influencers is making it out to be. Good luck is all I have to say.

365 |


4 weeks ago

Yeah, very good point, but you know what already does it in most of big companies? Figma. Designer designs using components from UI framework you use for a project, you have direct access to CSS, you pickup component from framework (*import xxx*) and copy-paste new styles. And surprisingly people might have problems even with that once any even minor customisation is needed, e.g. component starts to break after 768px breakpoint.
I'm not anti-AI, but using this thing will gradually transform any project into a code dumpster + your devs will simply forget how to code UI completely, since their development pattern will be "prompt UI AI till I get design/UX required by spec", not "how would I solve it" and "use it with caution" won't save anyone.
Also (will be little bit a jerk here), if you need half of the day to create todo list or pricing component which consist of h1 + p + div (x3), then sorry, my friend, you probably need to improve your skills.

60 |


4 weeks ago

"Humiliate yourself with a stackoverflow question" 😂

264 |

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