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Views : 1,194,851
Uploaded At Sep 5, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.971 (405/56,221 LTDR)
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User score: 98.92- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-10-04T14:15:52.261193Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Creating a button was never the challenge. Neither was styling shadcn components. The time comsuming part is putting everything together into a fully fledged app following the design requirements, setting up the cms integration, datamodelling, and otherwise orchestrating all of the parts of the system to work together as per the requirements of the customer.
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Yeah, very good point, but you know what already does it in most of big companies? Figma. Designer designs using components from UI framework you use for a project, you have direct access to CSS, you pickup component from framework (*import xxx*) and copy-paste new styles. And surprisingly people might have problems even with that once any even minor customisation is needed, e.g. component starts to break after 768px breakpoint.
I'm not anti-AI, but using this thing will gradually transform any project into a code dumpster + your devs will simply forget how to code UI completely, since their development pattern will be "prompt UI AI till I get design/UX required by spec", not "how would I solve it" and "use it with caution" won't save anyone.
Also (will be little bit a jerk here), if you need half of the day to create todo list or pricing component which consist of h1 + p + div (x3), then sorry, my friend, you probably need to improve your skills.
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4 weeks ago
this video has been released 7 minutes ago, everything mentioned here is now obsolete.
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