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Views : 514,605
Uploaded At Sep 2, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.926 (197/10,520 LTDR)
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RYD date created : 2024-10-04T14:48:03.648846Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Early perceptions of compilers in the 1950s: "With the development of compilers, programming will soon be as simple as writing English, and the need for professional programmers will diminish."
John von Neumann (attributed): "We have created a machine to do all of our work; soon, there will be no need for mathematicians or programmers."
Howard Aiken: "Only six electronic digital computers would be required to satisfy the computing needs of the entire United States."
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I've been coding for 38 years, I have 2 local AI's on my home network. AI's WILL NOT replace human programmers. They can help one, but they do not have the ability to imagine a new thing. All they do, is take the stuff we humans wrote, and slam it together, like a 1st year programmer copy-pasting code out of stack exchange. CEO's typically have almost NO technical knowledge. They sure think they do, though.
23 |
1 month ago
"I wish I could fire everyone, except the hot secretary" - Every CEO, seems
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