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Views : 2,283,163
Genre: Science & Technology
Uploaded At May 23, 2024 ^^
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User score: 98.69- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-10-10T03:53:10.835148Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Something to note about Proton and Tuta for switching emails is that the end-to-end-encryption (E2EE) of the two services only work when one Proton mail is sent to another, or one Tuta mail to another. Sadly it's just not possible to have E2EE work without email providers like Gmail actually co-operating with Proton and Tuta's encryption methods. Therefore, if you send an email to your family members who all use Gmail or Hotmail accounts, you're guaranteed to not have a private, encrypted email sent to them, unless they also use Proton or Tuta. I'm not sure that Proton's encryption is compatible with Tuta's either.
This isn't to say you should stick with filthy Google because it's encryption isn't cross-compatible; if we want to see change in the world of privacy (or lack of), we need to show the demand by supporting more privacy respecting services for the future. I'm so glad a big channel like Linus is spreading awareness about Privacy issues in the online world. even if some of the service suggestions in this video aren't the best for privacy, most are certainly a huge step-up from the popular big-tech options like Google & Microsoft.
249 |
One thing that I believe is worth pointing out is that fully getting out of Google's ecosystem isn't something one can do overnight. Especially if you're very deep in, like switching from a Gmail address you've had for over a decade to a brand new email address. This sort of thing can take months if not years of work. Take it one step at a time and don't rush it. Start with one area--browsers, search engines, cloud storage, whatever, and work your way forward.
872 |
Honestly, I never understood people hating on Firefox. My everyday experience with it falls nothing short of what to expect with other big browsers, I'd even argue the contrary! And obviously knowing there's a nonprofit behind it, fighting for an inclusive and private internet for everyone just makes me love it more :)
1.1K |
1 month ago
Commenting here because LTTās video that I am commenting about was taken down (De-Google Your Life - Part 2). YouTube has made a huge mistake by striking LTTās video about circumventing Google Ads. As a long time YouTube Premium subscriber, I will be reconsidering my membership renewal and seeking out ad-free, unpaid alternatives due to their misguided action. I recommend others take similar action to show Google/YouTube their practices are not unnoticed and without consequence.
1.6K |