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Paying for software is stupid… 10 free and open-source SaaS replacements
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954,891 Views • Aug 28, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
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Remember, for every paid SaaS, there is a free open-source self-hosted alternative. Let's take a look at 10 FOSS tools designed to replace popular tools like MS Office, Notion, Heroku, Vercel, Zoom, Adobe, and more.

#software #programming #linux

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⭐ Repos mentioned

LibreOffice github.com/LibreOffice
Mattermost github.com/mattermost/mattermost
Nocodb github.com/nocodb/nocodb
Plane github.com/makeplane/plane
Appflowy github.com/AppFlowy-IO/AppFlowy
Jitsi github.com/jitsi
ERPNext github.com/frappe/erpnext
Coolify github.com/coollabsio/coolify
Dokku github.com/dokku/dokku
Instant github.com/instantdb/instant
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Views : 954,891
Genre: Science & Technology
Uploaded At Aug 28, 2024 ^^

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YouTube Comments - 2,101 Comments

Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 month ago

1:05 Microsoft Office --> LibreOffice
1:45 Airtable --> NocoDB
2:08 Notion --> AppFlowy(dot)IO
3:11 Salesforce CRM --> ERPNext
3:41 Slack --> Mattermost
4:13 Zoom --> Jitsi Meet
4:37 Jira --> Plane
4:50 FireBase --> Convex, Appwrite, Supabase, PocketBase, instant
5:22 Vercel --> Coolify
5:22 Heroku --> Dokku
5:48 Adobe Premier --> DaVinci Resolve
5:48 Adobe Illustrator --> Krita
5:48 Adobe After Effects --> Blender

6:08 --> picture of list

1.6K |


1 month ago

If you are using a piece of FOSS and it brings good value to your life please consider donating to the maintainers of said software. They are the ones making a difference in our corporation-owned world.

3.3K |


1 month ago

"As developers we don't do things because they are easy....
We do them because we thought they are going to be easy"
The most important point in this video

4K |


1 month ago

My favorite monetization model is free for plebs and paid for corps.

166 |


1 month ago

Adobe and Autodesk do the "hook them while their young" thing as well. They do it through school programs that teach the software but don't actually pay for any of it through free licensing for students, teachers, etc.

28 |


1 month ago

"We don't do things because they are easy; we do things because we thought they would be easy;" is the kind of quote that deserves to be on a t-shirt.

1.6K |


1 month ago

The open source community is the only thing that's keeping me from becoming a total luddite these days, highlighting just how much good can come from ethical software.

796 |


1 month ago

Krita isn't a replacement for illustrator. Illustrator is vector art. Krita is a drawing/illustration tool. Inkscape is a more 1-to-1 replacement for illustrator.

706 |


1 month ago

1:11 Funny story: in the 90s in highschool, M$ donated Windows 95 and Office to the school, together with some Intel PCs. Evil genius move to ensure the next generation of Wintel employees. Today, M$ is one of the largest employers in my country.

61 |


1 month ago

List of Paid thing and their best Free alternative:
1. Microsoft Office -> Microsoft Office(Pirated)
2. Photoshop -> Photoshop(Pirated)
3. Windows -> Windows(Pirated)
✅Free ✅Open-Source(Assembly)

114 |


1 month ago

I’m glad people are still alive who use Vanilla Ice jokes. It’s like my parents telling a Yul Brynner joke in the 1990s, only now I am my parents.

1.9K |


1 month ago

The problem isn't so much finding the alternatives, it's convincing your VPs of Sales & IT and/or Engineering to sponsor the migration.

397 |


1 month ago

the logictech story isnt fake- my disdain for a company has never risen so rapidly than this.

688 |


1 month ago

How do u pack so much goodies into one short video. U crammed an entire series into a single video and it's under 7mins? GENIUS!!! Thanks for sharing.

35 |


1 month ago

I worked for a small company where I thought I had some influence. One day the management came along and said we were "testing" Microsoft Teams. I wrote an email listing various things I didn't like about it and recommending alternatives. Everyone was forced over to Teams because it's "all in one place". Good luck convincing middle management of anything.

17 |


1 month ago

Massive thanks, the most important thing here is that these are open sources, we should not forget to take a little time contribute or support them.
Don't be like AWS, be a better !

120 |


1 month ago

You should absolutely pay for your software, but only as a donation and only when you can afford it. Remember that most FOSS projects are unpaid projects done by developers in their free time, so a bit of money is a good incentive and can potentially allow them to work on it full-time.

251 |


1 month ago

Fireship didn't kill himself.

1.2K |


1 month ago

Pretty much all of these make tones of sense and I love it. The difficulty I can see is just team based work, or collaboration, particularly as a freelancer. Things like Notion or Google docs etc use the tools clients or other team members already use or are familiar with, same with slack and zoom etc. It's super annoying, and I'd love to employ free or cheap open source alternatives where I can. It's just difficult in some cases. Maybe I'll find some workaround as time goes on and the open source tools get better (and the mainstream closed sources become more expensive and less secure and riddles with AI), maybe then others will be more receptive to use what I use (i.e the open source stuff). Great video though, and awesome rec's. 🙌

2 |


1 month ago

Here's why I pay for MS Office for my staff: My staff cost me an average of $8000/month each. Maybe a little more, factoring in benefits, insurance and everything else that comes with running a business. Office costs $8/month each. That's 0.1% of what I pay them for them to do their job productively. Furthermore, my customers use office. They expect things to be in .DOCX or .XLSX or whatever. So while I resent it a little bit, it still makes more business sense than using Libre Office. On top of that, the Office license allows them to install it on their personal computer at home. I find it frustrating that my $100k/year programmer won't ask for a $200 tool that he needs to do his job. Like, a 1% increase in productivity is worth $1000. I'm a cheapskate, but I'm also good at math.

110 |

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