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Uploaded At Aug 23, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
26:45 WINE stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator.
The use of the word "emulating" has hurt my Arch Linux user BTW soul and I don't think I will recover from it.
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20:32 it's so funny how small Linux world is, you have picked my config
guess it wasn't a bad idea to share it after all :)
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As someone who has experience with dual booting Windows with Linux, Windows making partitions read only is probably because you have fast startup enabled, which sort of hibernates certain parts of the system to make your Windows boot a lot faster (or when you shut down Windows improperly and haven't run chkdsk in Windows or ntfsfix under Linux, it can also make the Windows partition read only). You should disable fast startup feature in Windows to have less issues dual booting.
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You caught me off guard with that Sonic Adventure clip at 8:10. I knew you were one of our people (why I subbed), but damn, you really are one of our people.
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"Disk encryption... いらねぇ"
Very relatable, lol
I will say, I would normally advise against using archinstall. The benefit of actually installing the system yourself is that you learn how everything fits together, which makes fixing potential future problems a lot easier.
And while I wouldn't say that things breaking is particularly common, it does happen. In the ten or so years I've been using Arch, I ended up with an unbootable system after an update maybe three times. And once time my keyboard stopped working, which is about the same severity, lol. (That particular problem was a bug in the kernel and downgrading fixed it. Two kernel versions later it was also fixed there)
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This kind of trouble shooting is a real pain to go through, but I find it very useful. I was a windows 11 users totally fed up with the OS for various reasons. I decided to give Linux Mint a shot and I love it so far. There have been issues but I have been able to trouble shoot them and the troubleshooting has been less frustrating than Windows 11. I think the best OS probably depends on your knowledge, your goals, and the amount of time you have. I think it will be awhile before I'm trying Arch after seeing what you went through.
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1 month ago
I just discovered a fix for the crackling audio in DaVinci Resolve!
Whilst I was finishing up this video, apparently someone found a (potential?) fix on the DaVinci Resolve forum.
Note, I haven't tried this out extensively yet, but I recorded a few short clips that were fine:
- Make sure DaVinci Resolve is using PulseAudio ALSA, if its using Pipewire, you'll get no output.
- To fix the crackling, go to Video and Audio I/O settings, and put "Playback Processing Buffer" to 1024, and "Record Buffer Size" to 6.
This increases the latency a bit, but it shouldn't be a big issue for most people.
Now if it only weren't for the mysterious random "Loading Projects" issue. I'm not really sure what causes it considering that on Fedora 39, I don't remember having that issue.
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