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Uploaded At Sep 8, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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RYD date created : 2024-10-09T22:12:17.415841Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Blindly casting the type to E is not "type safe" because of the potential for anything to be thrown in JS and for any downstream library to throw an error. Errors being `unknown` is the only type safe option. It is completely misleading and therefore the opposite of "type safe" to let the error be whatever is passed in via generic. More realistically if your safeAwait checked for certain likely/expected errors and would only return those in the tuple, else throw on unexpected errors, then you could say it was type safe, because you would be avoiding type not-safety lies to yourself/colleagues/codebase. Another approach could be wrapping the error in a custom type (there are more options now thanks to `Error.cause`) and that could have some logic to help with keeping safeAwait() actually type safe. Otherwise this is a dangerous lesson!
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There's another reason this won't be accepted by TC39 that's a lot more fundamental than bikeshedding the syntax: the "error" value in the tuple could be falsy or even null or undefined, which means it cannot be safely used to determine whether the expression threw or not. This is a potentially huge (if rare) footgun.
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@32:31 You don't need the explicit return type annotation (in the function signature) if you use "return [null, result] as [null, T];" and "return [error, null] as [E, null]" -- works like doing "as const" without also coercing the tuple into a Readonly. I also dabbled with a few TS-based guard and assertion functions to help with the "unboxing" aspect of telling TS what you're working with
I'd share the code in a TS playground link but since YouTube doesn't like that...
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I really which that a throws clause would be included in typescript, even if it only told me that the function throws at all.
But given that it would be extremely confusing and kind of useless as long as there are libraries with type definitions without it I unfortunately dont believe it'll happen or get picked up by the community
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I see the same arguments against Effect as I did for TypeScript (complexity, learning curve, etc). At work, we got on the Angular 2 bandwagon quite early, so was forced into TS. Absolutely no one would have predicted the wide adoption TS got when Angular started using it.
I'm posting this for posterity.
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Stuff like this makes me absolutely loathe working with js/ts. I am professionally using Rust for the last few years, and while the error system isn't perfect, it's SUCH a great step up from throw/catch and gives soo much of the benefits you mention, including self-writing documentation and perfectly resolved and specified matching on error types.
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Discriminated unions are just the best datastructure that just became popular in the last few years. There are so many things you can express with a discriminated union. Error handling, implementation variation, optional data, a result that is one of a fixed list of types... The possibilities are endless
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await stuff().then(r=>[r, null]).catch(e=>[null, e]) This pattern is useful sometimes, but not always the most readable, try/catch is useful when you want to handle things at a higher layer. I think all this fuzz would be better focused in more important things like passing named arguments, or improving destructive assignment by letting you extract specific items from an array without having to extract all others like const [ , ,a] = [1,2, 3]; currently you have to specify horrible placeholder variables that you cannot even repeat like: const [_, _z, a ] = [1,2,3]; horrible...
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How about this:
const [error, result] c= await fetch(...)
with c standing for catch.
And then you could optionally extend it to this:
const [error, result, pending] c=3 await fetch(...)
where 3 stands for "additionally, give the pending boolean as well".
I would really love to have c=3 or even c==3 or c===3 if I feel like my code is really good, as valid syntax in my production JavaScript code.
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1 month ago
I think the worst part about modern youtube is that 5 minute videos are made into 30 minute videos just because of the ads.
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