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Views : 14,408
Uploaded At May 17, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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RYD date created : 2024-08-02T14:56:51.031946Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
"I never head of it" - If you were around at a time when people used DOS, you would have heard of it. The DOS guys were obsessed with norton commander. They kept using it when they switched from their console to Windows. Midnight commander was to Norton what KDE is to Windows UI. And Gnome commander was the inevitable necessity, you (at that time) just had to have some graphical version of a "commander".
I never found much use for any of these tools when I use a shell where I can collect the files I want to do something to on a command line with auto completion (that's an old feature) backticks and decent command line editing. I'm apparently in a pre-norton stage of development. That has to become fashionable again, or is it already?
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Looks to be more in the vein of a more modern commander style fm like Total Commander. I usually use doublecmd for that (because it has a qt version) or just run Total Commander through wine. In a way, nothing beats the original. Midnight Commander is more like a clone of the original Norton Commander. Also the guy who said it's clickbait is right, put the name of the application in the title of the video!
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I was looking for file managers recently on Debian and noticed this one. In Gnome Software it has a rating of 2.5 out of 5 stars. There is also Double Commander and Tux Commander available. I'll probably stick with Thunar for the time being. An image preview would be great particularly as the entire second panel with file information.
Why would this be likely to be a fork of midnight commander? What they have in common is that they operate on files. For that, they use whatever language library provides file access. If they're both written in C, which is likely, they will use glibc. Everything else that makes up MC is heavily tied to NCurses (or whatever wrapper around termcap/terminfo MC uses). There is very little benefit of "forking" MC. Not to mention that MC probably wasn't using Git when GC started. They probably used subversion or something that didn't have a fork, not in the literal git sense and not in the github sense either.
It's fascinating how personal perspective shapes what we see...
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4 months ago
Check out my website! thelinuxcast.org/
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