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Views : 123,015
Uploaded At Sep 6, 2024 ^^
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Rating : 4.839 (269/6,434 LTDR)
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User score: 93.98- Overwhelmingly Positive
RYD date created : 2024-10-04T13:50:59.552143Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I don't know why the internet is such a toxic place. I love your content and I've always felt your honesty and authenticity have shown through. That's why you're the number one tech influencer I watch. I'm a tech lead of a small team at a small company and, for what it's worth, you're the first source I trust for news and trends in our industry. I'm sorry the toxicity of others has so deeply hurt your business. Please don't get jaded and don't change. It may sound corny, but I really want to believe that goodness and honesty always win in the long run. Peace nerd. ❤
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I’m okay with ad spots. If your content is good, I’ll accommodate listening to ads. I do it for all creators whose content is valuable to me. What I can’t tolerate is ads simply because I’m here. There has to be a fair exchange.
Even as a 15 years-in developer I often learn from this channel. It’s absolutely worthwhile.
45 |
Theo, I've been watching you for a while and one thing I was very appreciative of is your honesty about brands. You never exaggerated a brand, even when you believed in it, to the point that it sounded fake and, whether or not you mentioned a sponsor, you were brutal with tools you didn't like, you were honest regarding tools you did like, and you were also transparent about tools you use and the features you hated.
I will not be stopping my subscription on Twitch. It isn't much but it's what I can give at the moment.
Speaking of subscription, I'd like you to advertise my product, no I'm kidding 😅 Keep up the awesome work
26 |
3 weeks ago
The comments have me speechless. I love you all so much. ❤
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